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St. Mary's Graveyards


Christian Name(s) SurnameRelationFrom Age Death
Grave No.
or Location
Gerre Garnet 9 Apr 1570
Elizabeth Garnetd. of William 23 Apr 1570
Peter Garnet 9 May 1570
Thomas Briggss. of Thomas 12 May 1570
William Briggss. of Robert 6 Jun 1570
William Wylson Mirk Howe, Crosthwaite 23 Jul 1570
James Dawson 30 Aug 1570
Mabell Belld. of Richard 6 Sep 1570
John Cocke Lyth 28 Nov 1570
William Pearson 13 Dec 1570
Mabell Crakellw. of John 28 Dec 1570
Annas Ashburnerd. of John 30 Apr 1571
William Garnets. of Edwarde 24 May 1571
Margrete Rychardsonw. of Rychard 29 May 1571
William Knype 11 Jun 1571
George Dicconson 12 Sep 1571
John Herreson 1 Oct 1571
Kateryne Herresonw. of John 1 Oct 1571
Elice Dicconsonw. of Peter 27 Oct 1571
George Herresons. of Thomas 27 Nov 1571
Richard Dicconsons. of Roberte 30 Nov 1571
Agnes Garnetw. of Thomas 11 Dec 1571
Thomas Knypes. of Myles 25 Jan 1572
Thomas Rowlandson 28 Jan 1572
Robarte Sylls. of George 26 Apr 1572
Mathew Cooke 28 Apr 1572
Eme Bryggsd. of Thomas 25 May 1572
Margareta Hasbam 23 Jun 1573
John Crakell 2 Jun 1576
Mrs. James Rolandsonw. of James 20 Jun 1576
Robert Leavens 28 Sep 1576
Mrs. William Garnetw. of William 14 Nov 1576
William Rolinson 16 Nov 1576
Mrs. William Briggsw. of William 10 Aug 1577
Edward Garnet 26 Mar 1578
Mrs. James Rowlandsonw. of James 2 May 1578
Mrs. William Garnatw. of William 27 May 1578
Annas Garnatnee Brygg 31 May 1578
Annas Rowlandson 31 May 1578
Julian Nycolson 10 Jun 1578
Lanclot Garnat Jul 1578
Mrs. Rowland Bryggw. of Rowland 12 Jul 1578
Mrs. Thomas Cockew. of Thomas 13 Jul 1578
Mrs. John Atkinsonw. of John 20 Aug 1578
Esabell Garnatt 29 Aug 1578
George Parke Dec 1578
Robert Rowlandson 28 Dec 1578
Sybell Rowlandson 10 Jan 1579
Thomas Garnet Mar 1579
Henry Daysons. of Uter 2 Jul 1579
William Rowlandson 3 Jul 1579
William Levens 16 Jul 1579
Jane Rowlandson 27 Jul 1579
John Bells. of Richard 4 Aug 1579
Jane Garleke 21 Oct 1579
Robert Diconson 28 Oct 1579
Bryan Steckeston 8 Nov 1579
John Swainson 23 Dec 1579
Edmund Garnat 30 Jan 1580
Mrs. William Walkerw. of William 2 Feb 1580
Richard Cockes. of Thomas 27 Mar 1580
Robert Garnats. of Robert 15 May 1580
Mathew Stricklands. of Edward 16 Jun 1580
Mrs. Thomas Kilnerw. of Thomas 9 Jul 1580
Jenat Heryson 23 Aug 1580
Robert Theckston 5 Dec 1580
Mylles Denison 6 Feb 1581
Anne Knyped. of Myles 20 Feb 1581
Mrs. Edmund Atkinsonw. of Edmund 21 Apr 1581
Julyan Garnettd. of Robert jnr. 7 Jun 1581
Thomas Cavons 28 Jun 1581
John Crakells. of Steven 5 Aug 1581
Ellin Bankd. of Ric 26 Oct 1581
John Mechell 20 Nov 1581
Mrs. James Daysonw. of James 24 Nov 1581
Anthony Garnet 2 Dec 1581
Robert Atkinsons. of John 7 Jan 1582
Mrs. Robert Sandersonw. of Robert 23 Feb 1582
Robertt Garnett 29 Nov 1582
Thomas Killner 30 Nov 1582
James Dayson 5 Dec 1582
Sibbell Rowlandson 5 Dec 1582
William Banke 12 Dec 1582
Mrs. William Wallasw. of William 26 Jan 1583
Sybby Mkinson 2 Apr 1583
Agnes Rowlandsond. of Ric 19 Apr 1583
John Wallas 27 May 1583
Mrs. Robert Pearsonw. of Robert 1 Aug 1583
Mrs. George Sandersonw. of George 14 Oct 1583
Agnes Walker 20 Oct 1583
Peter Walker 1 Nov 1583
Mrs. Edward Fayrebankw. of Edward 2 Jan 1584
James Wilson Crook 7 Feb 1584
Agnes Garnett 17 Mar 1584
Ric Walker 5 Apr 1584
Mabell Knype 7 Apr 1584
Anthonye Garnett Windermere 22 Apr 1584
Mrs. Peter Pearsonw. of Peter 2 Jul 1584
Mrs. Edmund Crakhillw. of Edmund 17 Jul 1584
Mrs. Georg Cockew. of Georg 15 Aug 1584
John Jacson 27 Aug 1584
Mrs. Myles Permeterw. of Myles 2 Sep 1584
Thomas Cocke 4 Sep 1584
John Dickonson 22 Nov 1584
John Bryggs 20 Dec 1584
John Rollandson 1 Jan 1585
Robertt Pearson 26 Feb 1585
Mrs. John Jacksonw. of John 7 Mar 1585
Elizabeth Sanderson 19 Apr 1585
Cornellius Knype 1 Jul 1585
Agnes Pepper 1 Jul 1585
Thomas Slackes. of Thomas 11 Aug 1585
Doretie Kyllner 20 Aug 1585
John Bryggs Sep 1585
Mrs. Ric Rolandsonw. of Ric 6 Sep 1585
Mrs. John Brygsw. of John 13 Sep 1585
George Bygland 21 Sep 1585
Richard Rollandson 22 Sep 1585
Jenat Crakell Oct 1585
Mrs. Robert Cokyew. of Robert 27 Apr 1586
John Crakhell 29 Apr 1586
John Atkinson 2 May 1586
Julian Crakhell 5 Aug 1586
Mrs. Edward Garnettw. of Edward 17 Sep 1586
William Garnett 30 Nov 1586
Agnes Potter 23 Dec 1586
John Knype 6 Jan 1587
John Sanderson 14 Jan 1587
Henry Bryggs 17 Jan 1587
Thomas Fayrbanke 24 Feb 1587
Mrs. Robert Sinkinsonw. of Robert 4 Mar 1587
Robert Bryggs 7 Apr 1587
John Strickland 9 Apr 1587
Peter Dickson 23 Apr 1587
Robertt Garnett 3 May 1587
James Jackson 3 May 1587
Agnes Gylpin 19 Jul 1587
Mrs. John Strycklandw. of John 2 Aug 1587
John Ashburner 4 Sep 1587
Myles Inggarson 7 Sep 1587
Elizabeth Pearson 14 Sep 1587
Georg Pearson 1 Oct 1587
Margrett Couke 28 Oct 1587
An Byrkhedd. of Thomas 8 Nov 1587
Lenard Garnett 27 Nov 1587
Mrs. Myles Bryggsw. of Myles 20 Dec 1587
Agnes Rollandson 22 Dec 1587
Robert Bryggs 23 Dec 1587
Ellen Wylson 26 Dec 1587
Thomas Stryckland 28 Dec 1587
James Jackson 2 Jan 1588
Mrs. Miles Sinkinsonw. of Miles 20 Jan 1588
Issabell Fayrebanke 23 Jan 1588
Thomas Shepherd 23 Jan 1588
John Bryggs 24 Jan 1588
Mrs. Ric Rollandsonw. of Ric 26 Jan 1588
Mrs. Myles Herrysonw. of Myles 12 Mar 1588
Mrs. James Rollandsonw. of James 14 Mar 1588
Mrs. William Hubberstyew. of William 15 Mar 1588
William Morlandson 15 Mar 1588
Rychard Rollandson 16 Mar 1588
daughter Wylsond. of Edward 0 18 Mar 1588
Ann Dawson 22 Mar 1588
Ann Frearman 26 Mar 1588
James Rollandson 30 Mar 1588
son Frearmans. of Ric 0 31 Mar 1588
Mrs. John Herrysonw. of John 18 Apr 1588
Margrett Dawson 1 May 1588
Gyles Ailyphe 7 May 1588
John Herryson 13 May 1588
John Crosfield 21 May 1588
William Walker 22 Jun 1588
Mrs. Ric Diconsonw. of Ric 24 Aug 1588
Mrs. Thomas Brygsw. of Thomas 26 Aug 1588
William Garnett 26 Nov 1588
Mathew Strickland 23 Dec 1588
Mrs. Edward Taylarw. of Edward 10 Mar 1589
Thomas Briggs Cowmire Hall, Crosthwaite 14 Mar 1589
Issabel Garnett 19 Apr 1589
John Potter 16 May 1589
William Garnett 29 Jun 1589
Mrs. Robert Hubberstyw. of Robert 27 Sep 1589
Mrs. John Cockw. of John 3 Oct 1589
Robert Brugg 21 Oct 1589
Edward Walkers. of John 2 Nov 1589
child Starnthwaites./d. of Peter 0 21 Nov 1589
Myles Sinkinson 22 Nov 1589
Mrs. John Potterw. of John 5 Dec 1589
Mrs. Peter Knypew. of Peter 15 Dec 1589
Jennat Dawson? Jan 1590
John Garnet 7 Jan 1590
Mrs. William Garnetw. of William 27 Jan 1590
Mrs. Thomas Bryggsw. of Thomas 18 Feb 1590
Issbell Sinkinson 19 Feb 1590
Ellen Crakhilld. of Steven 5 Mar 1590
Thomas Crosfield 5 Mar 1590
Mrs. John Knypew. of John 23 Apr 1590
Mrs. John Stricklandw. of John 4 May 1590
Mrs. William Dickonsonw. of William 16 Jun 1590
Arthure Garnet 29 Jul 1590
Mrs. Edward Wylsonw. of Edward 30 Jul 1590
James Wilson Aug 1590
Mrs. Uter Daysonw. of Uter 2 Aug 1590
Roger Taylar 2 Aug 1590
Thomas Johnson 6 Aug 1590
Gyles Wynd 6 Aug 1590
Jennat Cocked. of Ric 7 Aug 1590
William Cock 13 Aug 1590
Ann Sanderson 13 Aug 1590
John Pennye 15 Aug 1590
Mrs. Rychard Cockew. of Rychard 16 Aug 1590
Mrs. John Cockew. of John 21 Aug 1590
Mrs. James Jacksonw. of james 22 Aug 1590
Mrs. Thomas Crosfieldw. of Thomas 28 Aug 1590
Gyffraye Sill 31 Aug 1590
Mrs. Charells Diconsonw. of Charells 18 Sep 1590
Robert Hubbersty 27 Oct 1590
Agnes Bryggs 29 Oct 1590
Elizabeth Hyrd 2 Nov 1590
Jennat Sandersond. of Xpor 12 Jan 1591
Mrs. Myles Bryggsw. of Myles 20 Jan 1591
John Nicolson 3 Aug 1591
Myles Peinter 4 Aug 1591
Allice Walker 23 Aug 1591
Mrs. James Monew. of James 25 Aug 1591
Edmund Atkinson 29 Aug 1591
Sander Bell 29 Aug 1591
Thomas Rollandson 29 Aug 1591
Myles Rollandson 31 Aug 1591
Myles Rollandson 10 Sep 1591
Myles Briggs 6 Nov 1591
Thomas Garnett 24 Jan 1592
Mrs. Steven Crakhillw. of Steven 12 Feb 1592
Mrs. Robert Dawsonw. of Robert 24 Feb 1592
Rowland Walker 28 Apr 1592
Mrs. Thomas Crakhillw. of Thomas 4 May 1592
Mrs. Richard Garnettw. of Richard 14 Jul 1592
Mrs. Richard Starnthwaitew. of Richard 25 Jul 1592
Elizabeth Knype 1 Sep 1592
James Garnett 5 Sep 1592
Mrs. Ric Bellw. of Ric 8 Sep 1592
Jennatt Bryggs 10 Sep 1592
Mrs. Thomas Garnetw. of Thomas 21 Sep 1592
Margret Cock 8 Jan 1593
Mrs. James Strycklandw. of James Feb 1593
Edward Knype 17 Feb 1593
Issabell Nealson 17 Feb 1593
Mrs. Edward Stricklandw. of Edward 22 Feb 1593
Nycolas Dickinson 9 Mar 1593
Jennat Atkinson 3 May 1593
Ann Crosfield 24 Jul 1593
Grace Halle 17 Aug 1593
John Cocke 29 Aug 1593
Edward Rollandson 29 Aug 1593
son Cokess. of Richard 0 1 Sep 1593
Mrs. George Rollandsonw. of George 6 Sep 1593
Robert Rollandson Mosser 28 Sep 1593
Mrs. William Herisonw. of William 3 Oct 1593
Richard Rollandson 6 Oct 1593
James Dawsons. of John 20 Dec 1593
Thomas Dyconson 28 Feb 1594
Bryan Garnet 3 Mar 1594
Thomas Bryggs 4 Mar 1594
John Cocke 23 Mar 1594
Bryan Walker 13 Apr 1594
Peter Jacson 20 Apr 1594
Edward Killner 8 Jun 1594
Mrs. John Dawsonw. of John Jul 1594
Henry Rollands. of James 5 Oct 1594
Julian Diconson 13 Oct 1594
James Garnet 17 Oct 1594
Agnes Cowperthwaite 20 Oct 1594
George Bowes 14 Feb 1595
Elling Gilpin 14 Feb 1595
Roger Diconson 26 Feb 1595
Mary Garnetd. of Willim 27 Apr 1595
Mrs. Willim Holeyw. of Willim Crook 24 Jul 1595
Mrs. Roger Taylarw. of Roger 11 Aug 1595
Richard Starnthwaite 30 Nov 1595
Mrs. Robert Herrysonw. of Robert 6 Feb 1596
Mrs. Richard Diconsonw. of Richard 7 Jun 1596
Richard Garnet 8 Sep 1596
Georg Cocke 28 Oct 1596
Agnes Atkinson 25 Nov 1596
Robert Bell 24 Jan 1597
Julian Clark 6 Feb 1597
Mrs. Robert Theckstonw. of Robert 31 Mar 1597
Mrs. Bryan Rollandsonw. of Bryan 1 May 1597
Edward Spark 28 May 1597
Mrs. Wallas 6 Jun 1597
Sanderson 1 Oct 1597
Bryggs 3 Oct 1597
John Strickland 4 Oct 1597
Chrystoferson 21 Oct 1597
Richard Frearman 23 Oct 1597
Issabell Cartmell 29 Oct 1597
Mrs. Steven Crakhillw. of Steven 12 Nov 1597
John Bryggs Cowmire Hall, Crosthwaite 25 Nov 1597
John Atkinson 9 Dec 1597
Robert Coky 4 Jan 1598
Mrs. Richard Bellw. of Richard 6 Jan 1598
William Cock 29 Jan 1598
Richard Sinkinson 2 Mar 1598
Issabell Bryggsw. of Thomas Cowmire Hall, Crosthwaite 14 Apr 1598
John Hubbersty 28 Apr 1598
Mabell Smyth 29 Apr 1598
Edward Walker 29 Apr 1598
Frances Garnetd. of Willim 12 May 1598
Mrs. Edward Pearsonw. of Edward 15 Jun 1598
Richard Thecston 27 Jul 1598
James Dawson 15 Sep 1598
Allan Wilson 29 Oct 1598
Richard Crakhill 9 Nov 1598
Edward Fayrebank 25 Nov 1598
Richard Diconson 19 Dec 1598
Mrs. Ryc Theckstonw. of Ryc 25 Jan 1599
Maryon Crakell 2 Feb 1599
Mrs. Bryan Willanw. of Bryan 22 Mar 1599
Mrs. William Johnsonw. of William 17 May 1599
Elizabeth Felld. of Robert 18 Jul 1599
Annas Hollowed. of Richard 22 Nov 1599
John Nicholsons. of Thomas 3 Jan 1600
Mrs. James Fell 5 Jan 1600
Mrs. Lawrence Swensonw. of Lawrence Cartmel Fell 5 Jan 1600
Thomas Rownsons. of John 25 Jan 1600
Margerit Harrisond. of John 31 Jan 1600
